Blotato - Make Viral Posts 10x Faster

Official launch of Blotato for busy solopreneurs and creators to streamline content creation and repurposing

I’m excited to announce the public launch of Blotato!

1 app to streamline content creation for busy solopreneurs, small businesses, and creators who want to organically build a high-quality thought leadership brand.

Blotato combines all my best AI, Automations, and Prompts I’ve used to grow from 0 to 350k+ audience and 40M views in 6 months, as a team of 1, zero ad spend.

(Huge THANK YOU to all of YOU reading this and following my adventure!)

Unlike most tools out there, this is built by a creator, for creators. I live these pain points every single day, as I strive to provide high-quality free AI education to 1+ million people.

I absolutely could not achieve this scale without Blotato.

(without losing my mind) 😅 

Here’s a 5-min demo:

"I feel so lucky to be part of the early adopters of Blotato. I have my content built in 'schedule' format for up to 3 weeks. How amazing is that? Your guidance, teachings and this tool were the catalyst for me to work around my business launch. I have had 3 leads within my first week of posting content on LinkedIn."

Alinnette Casiano, Leadership Development Consultant

"Blotato is a game changer for anyone who aspires to grow their audience on social media. With little to nothing on engagement and impressions to thousands of impressions and engagements, thanks to Blotato. I talk to people about you daily and how you have left an indelible print in my head. Blotato is the real deal."

Daniel Okonokhua, Founder

Why am I building Blotato?

"Growing on social media takes too much time, too many tools."

"It's overwhelming!" 😭

→ If you feel this way, you're not alone.

I’ve heard this pain point, again and again.

I’ve experienced it myself. I was really confused when I first started.

We all know we should build a brand, but nowadays it’s way more complicated!

I've scaled to 350k+ followers in 6 months only by combining AI + Automation 🚀

These screenshots are from the LAST 7 DAYS and it’s 100% FREE organic traffic.



All this…

As a team of 1 + AI.

I do not have a VA or freelancers.

Besides a few tools, my budget is $0.

It was HARD, but 10000% unbelievably worth it.

Even though my mantra is “free AI education”, I receive daily inbound opportunities to do paid coaching, consulting, sponsorships, speaking, collaborations, etc.

That’s why I recommend everyone build a brand/community — it exponentially increases your luck surface area, attracting countless opportunities. It’s also really fun and fulfilling to connect with like-minded adventurers and have a positive impact on people’s lives.

If you are a coach, consultant, solopreneur, small business, or creator...

You don’t have lots of time, money, or bandwidth to create content.

You don't want to publish low-value, obviously AI-generated content.

You don't want to spend hours building automations, troubleshooting them, and paying for multiple tools.

You don't want to constantly second guess yourself, "How do I grow on social media? Am I doing it right?"

You don't want to pay for Skool, only to realize you still have to do all the work yourself.

Easily scale high-quality content creation:

  1. Compile good sources of information

  2. Use proven AI prompts to write drafts

  3. Add your unique perspective, insights, value

  4. Schedule and publish to stay consistent daily

  5. Database of your published posts, which you can remix later or query (i.e. RAG)

Easily remix content across multiple platforms:

  • remix 1 podcast → instagram post, tweet

  • remix 5 articles and 2 PDFs → viral youtube script

  • remix 3 youtube videos → 1500-word blog, linkedin post, tweet

So you can focus on adding your unique insights and perspective to each piece.

This is the ONLY thing that will make your brand stand out in the age of AI.

My goals?

  1. Use Blotato to scale myself and teach 1 million people AI

    • free high quality education

    • eventually 10 million people!

  2. Use Blotato to create 1 million creators

  3. Visit Japan 🏯 

Not much has changed, except I added a 2nd big goal 😁 because I’m now a firm believer in the creator economy and the importance of community and personal brand.

Coming from the tech startup world, I didn’t grok the value of this “fluffy stuff”.

Now, I realize I was soooo wrong.

I sincerely hope Blotato simplifies content creation for those of you who go for it!

You get:

  • 14-day free trial

  • 30-day money back guarantee

  • In total, you get 44 days risk-free to try it out

For a limited time only:

  • 50% off your first year

  • 1:1 Viral Strategy Call with me where I’ll audit your social accounts and provide personalized, targeted feedback

Get started today! 👇️ 

If you have thoughts, questions, feature requests, or issues — contact me ASAP.

Hit reply to this email.

P.S. I filmed myself building Blotato MVP in my “Build SaaS with AI” series :)

P.P.S. This newsletter will continue to focus on AI guides, tools, and prompts. Moving forward, I’ll only announce massive updates (e.g. affiliate program, faceless video creation).