Weekly New Prompts (Sep 26 2024)

3 Limiting Beliefs Post, Analyze Legal Clauses, Design Research Surveys, Business Growth Strategy, Personalized Meal Plan

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New Prompts

Social Media Strategy for Airbnb


Enhance the visibility of an Airbnb studio apartment rental through creative social media strategies, including content ideas, posting schedules, hashtags, visual content, engagement tactics, and advertising options. Specific recommendations will be tailored for TikTok, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram to reach potential customers effectively.



I am looking to enhance the presence of my AirBNB studio apartment rental by creating and sharing posts on various social media platforms. Please provide comprehensive strategies and creative ideas for increasing visibility and reaching the maximum potential customers on TikTok, Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Instagram. Specifically, address the following:

- Content Ideas: Suggest engaging and appealing content topics specific to each platform that will attract potential renters.

- Posting Schedules: Recommend optimal posting times and frequency for each platform to maximize engagement and reach.

- Hashtags and Keywords: Identify effective hashtags and keywords that can increase the discoverability of my posts on each platform.

- Visual Elements: Provide guidance on the types of images, videos, and other visual content that would be most effective in showcasing the studio apartment.

- Engagement Strategies: Offer tips on how to interact with followers and respond to inquiries to build a strong community and encourage bookings.

- Advertising Options: Outline the most effective paid advertising options on each platform, including budget recommendations and targeting strategies.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Write “3 Limiting Beliefs” Post


Edit a 1000-word article addressing limiting beliefs that hold individuals back from achieving their desired identity, outlining three specific beliefs and providing actionable steps to overcome them. The article should target a specific audience, maintain a positive tone, and use straightforward language.



Create a 1000-word article addressing limiting beliefs that prevent individuals from achieving their desired identity. Follow these guidelines:

• Target Audience: [Specify target audience]

• Desired Outcome: [Specify what the audience wants to achieve]

• Limiting Beliefs: [List 3 specific beliefs holding the audience back]

Article Structure:

1. Title: "[Number] Limiting Beliefs Preventing You From Becoming a [Desired Identity]"

2. Introduction (100 words):

   - State the conventional thinking about the topic

   - Explain negative implications for those who follow it

   - Provide a concrete example of this conventional thinking

   - Refute the conventional thinking

   - Briefly explain the correct approach

   - Transition to the three limiting beliefs

3. For each limiting belief (250-300 words per section):

   a. Belief 1:

      - Explain the flawed reasoning behind the belief (1-2 sentences)

      - Present a challenging rhetorical question

      - List 3 specific examples people use to justify the belief

      - State that the belief lacks concrete, measurable basis (1 sentence)

      - Provide an actionable step to disprove the belief (2-3 sentences)

      - Give a real-world example illustrating the belief's flaw

      - Ask a direct question about the belief's validity (1 sentence)

      - Answer the question, emphasizing action (2-3 sentences)

      - Reassure the reader (1-2 sentences)

   b. Belief 2:

      - Refute the belief concisely (1 sentence)

      - Explain the flawed reasoning (1-2 sentences)

      - Emphasize expertise as an ongoing process (1-2 sentences)

      - List 3-4 time periods illustrating continuous growth

      - Conclude with a statement reframing self-perception

      - Provide an actionable step for self-reflection (1-2 sentences)

      - Present a real-world example of overcoming this belief (2-3 sentences)

      - List 3 key actions the example individual took

      - Prompt reader to reflect on their own journey (1-2 sentences)

      - Conclude with an encouraging statement

   c. Belief 3:

      - Explain the common misconception (1-2 sentences)

      - Introduce a more accurate analogy (1 sentence)

      - List 3 ways the process relates to the new analogy

      - Emphasize reader's control in the process (1-2 sentences)

      - Recommend when and how to commit more deeply (1-2 sentences)

      - Provide a real-world example of exploration and commitment (2-3 sentences)

      - Highlight key factors in the example's decision-making (1-2 sentences)

      - Reinforce reader's agency in the process (1-2 sentences)

4. Conclusion (50 words):

   - Summarize the key points learned

   - Provide a final impactful takeaway

Writing Style:

• Use plain, simple language

• Keep sentences straightforward and concise

• Avoid metaphors, antithesis phrases, and purple prose

• Do not use words like "imagine," "streamline," "realm," "game-changer," "unlock," "discover," "skyrocket," "abyss," "you're not alone," "in a world where," "revolutionize," etc.

Additional Requirements:

• Ensure the content is factual and up-to-date

• Use specific examples and data to support claims

• Maintain a positive, encouraging tone throughout the article

• Focus on practical, actionable advice

• Tailor the content to the specified target audience and their goals

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Research Survey Design


Design a comprehensive survey research study focusing on habits and uses, awareness, brand image, and segmentation. Develop questions and analysis methods for each category to gather detailed insights and assess brand perceptions.



Design a comprehensive survey research study focusing on the following categories: habits and uses, awareness, brand image, and segmentation work. For each category, include the following elements:

### Habits and Uses

- Define the specific habits and uses to be studied.

- Develop questions that capture detailed insights into these habits and uses.

- Suggest methods for analyzing the gathered data.

### Awareness

- Outline the types of awareness to be measured (e.g., brand recall, product knowledge).

- Formulate questions to assess the level of awareness among different groups.

- Propose a strategy for interpreting the awareness data.

### Brand Image

- Identify the key attributes of the brand image that should be evaluated.

- Create questions designed to gauge perceptions of the brand.

- Recommend approaches for comparing the brand image to competitors.

### Segmentation Work

- Determine the demographic and psychographic factors to be included in the segmentation.

- Devise a set of questions that will allow for effective segmentation.

- Explain how to analyze the data to identify distinct customer segments.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath, and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Simplify Learning Content


Transform the given learning content into simplified English for individuals with intellectual disabilities, ensuring clarity while keeping the original meaning intact. Focus on using simpler language, breaking down information, and maintaining the instructional value.



Transform the following learning content into simplified English suitable for people with intellectual disabilities. The goal is to ensure the message is clear and easy to understand while retaining the original meaning. Refer to the resource example provided.

Key points to consider:

- Simplify complex words and sentence structures.

- Break down information into smaller, digestible chunks.

- Use straightforward and familiar language.

- Maintain the core message and instructional value.

Here is the content to be simplified:

[Insert the specific learning content here]

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.


Rewrite entertainment contract clauses for artists and creatives in plain English, identify problem areas, and suggest improvements to enhance clarity and fairness.



Rewrite the following entertainment contract clauses for artists and creatives into plain English. Highlight any problem areas within the clauses and provide possible solutions to common issues. Ensure your response includes:

- The original contract clause in a quoted format.

- A rewritten version of the clause in plain English.

- Identified problem areas in the clause, if any.

- Suggested solutions or improvements for each problem area.

Here are the contract clauses:

[Insert contract clauses here]

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Personalized Meal Plan


Create a personalized meal plan for a client using their profile information by retrieving specific details. The plan should include a week's worth of meals along with calorie counts, ingredients, food types, and meal costs organized in a table format.



Create a personalized meal plan for a client based on their profile information. Here is what you need to do:

1. Retrieve the following profile information from the client database:

   - Name

   - Weight

   - Height

   - Physical activity level

   - Food preferences (e.g., vegetarian, vegan, etc.)


2. Using the retrieved information, create a meal plan for one week (Monday to Sunday).

3. Each day should include:

   - 5 meals (breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner)


4. For each meal, provide the following details:

   - Ingredients

   - Total calories

   - Type of food (e.g., protein, carbohydrate, fat, etc.)

   - Price of the meal

5. Present the result in the form of a clear and organized table.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Tips for Adjusting To Night Shift


Help decide on a job opportunity with a night shift by considering factors like body clock adjustment, social life adaptation, quality time with loved ones, health impacts, and routine changes, along with comparisons to a typical 9-to-5 schedule.



Consider the following factors as you help me decide whether to pursue a job opportunity with a work shift from Tuesday to Saturday, 2 am to 11 am:

- How to adjust my body clock to the new work hours

- Strategies to maintain or adapt my social life given the atypical work schedule

- Ways to ensure quality time with loved ones despite the different free times

- Potential health impacts of working night to early morning hours

- How this work schedule could affect daily routines (meals, exercise, etc.)

- Comparisons with a typical 9-to-5 job in terms of benefits and drawbacks

- Possible long-term impacts on my personal and professional life

Please provide detailed advice and actionable steps for each factor.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Brainstorm How to Use AI to Improve Medical Practice Efficiency


Improve an OB-GYN practice to enhance efficiency in appointment scheduling, patient communication, and administrative tasks. Explore strategies for using ChatGPT to manage and grow the clinic's Facebook presence with ease.



Help my friend, an OB-gynecologist with a private clinic, leverage ChatGPT to improve the efficiency of her practice and save time. Consider the following points:

- How she can use ChatGPT to streamline appointment scheduling and management.

- Ideas for using ChatGPT to enhance patient communication and follow-ups.

- Suggestions on automating routine administrative tasks with ChatGPT.

- Strategies for using ChatGPT to manage and grow her clinic’s Facebook page with minimal effort.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Create Social Media Post From Existing Template


Create a customized social media post using a provided template, ensuring it reflects the brand voice and tone while integrating business-specific details. The process includes analyzing the prompt, using a supportive tone, incorporating client goals and relatable stories, and formatting the final content.



Create a customized social media post using the given social media prompt/template, ensuring it aligns with my brand voice and tone. Follow these steps:

1. Analyze the given social media prompt/template:

   - Identify the main theme or trending idea.

   - Note any suggested formatting or structure.

2. Integrate my brand voice and tone:

   - Use a tone that resonates with online entrepreneurs and solopreneurs.

   - Ensure the language is supportive, motivational, and professional.

3. Incorporate specific details about my business:

   - Goals of my clients.

   - Solutions I offer.

   - Relatable stories about how I reached my current position.

   - Pain points common to my audience.

   - Relevant stories that connect with my audience.

4. Utilize my existing knowledge base:

   - Pull information from predefined answers to the above aspects (if they exist) to ensure consistency and save time.

5. Format the content accordingly:

   - Maintain the original formatting of the social media prompt/template.

Example structure for customization:

- Given Prompt/Template: [Insert the social media prompt/template here]

- Customized Post:

  1. Introduction: Hook the audience with a relatable statement.

  2. Body: Elucidate the main theme with examples from my business.

  3. Call to Action: Encourage interaction or provide a solution.

### Prompt:

- Start by analyzing the provided social media prompt/template.

- Ensure the tone is motivational, supportive, and professional.

- Integrate details about my business, including:

  - Goals of clients.

  - Solutions offered.

  - Relatable stories and pain points.

  - Personal stories demonstrating how I got to where I am.

- Use my existing knowledge base to save time and ensure consistency.

- Format the content to maintain the original structure of the prompt/template.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Tech Career Reintegration Guide


Create a comprehensive guide to assist individuals returning to the tech industry after a hiatus. The guide should cover the current tech landscape, skills updating, job search strategies, mental readiness, and additional advice for continuous learning.



Create a comprehensive guide to help someone returning to the tech industry after a hiatus. Cover the following aspects:

- Understanding the current tech landscape:

  - Key changes and developments in the tech industry over the past few years.

  - Emerging technologies and their impact on current job roles.

- Skills and knowledge updating:

  - Important programming languages, frameworks, and tools to learn.

  - Online courses, books, and other resources for learning and upskilling.

  - Certifications that could be beneficial.

- Job Search Strategies:

  - Effective resume and LinkedIn profile updating tips for someone re-entering the industry.

  - Networking strategies and how to leverage professional connections.

  - Interview preparation techniques and common questions in the tech industry.

- Mental and emotional readiness:

  - Tips for building confidence and overcoming imposter syndrome.

  - Balancing work-life and dealing with potential stressors in a tech job.

- Additional advice:

  - Best practices for continuous learning and staying updated in the tech field.

  - How to identify and apply for job opportunities suited to one's skills and interests.

  - Mentorship programs or communities to join for support and guidance.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

Business Growth Strategy for Tech Consultant


Develop a comprehensive growth strategy for a tech industry consultancy, focusing on website development, social media presence, lead generation on LinkedIn, client meeting improvement, and travel management. Suggest steps, tools, and best practices for each area to enhance business development efforts.



Help me develop a growth strategy for a new tech industry consultancy business. Please address the following points comprehensively:

1. Website Development

   - Outline the steps to create an effective company website. Include key features and pages that should be there (e.g., homepage, services, about us, contact).

   - Recommend website builders or content management systems (CMS) suitable for a consultancy business.

2. Social Media Presence

   - Provide a step-by-step guide to setting up and optimizing social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) for business.

   - Suggest strategies for engaging content and growing an audience on these platforms.

3. Lead Generation on LinkedIn

   - Offer detailed tactics to improve LinkedIn outreach for lead generation, particularly within the APAC region focusing on Australia and New Zealand.

   - Recommend tools or software that could aid in improving the lead generation process.

4. Client Meeting Lock-in Improvement

   - Provide methods or techniques to increase the number of locked meetings from LinkedIn outreach.

   - Suggest follow-up strategies after initial contact to improve the conversion rate of leads into clients.

5. Travel Management

   - Share best practices or tools for managing travel schedules effectively given the client's frequent travel.

   - Offer a system to keep track of travel expenses, bookings, and itineraries in an organized manner.

Ask me clarifying questions until you are 95% confident you can complete the task successfully. Take a deep breath and take it step by step. Remember to search the internet to retrieve up-to-date information.

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